joined with 250 community members for the 'Show You Say...NO! To McDonalds in Tecoma:
Reflective Walk Protest' on the weekend. I was impressed by the turnout, given it
was the wettest June day on record.
of the purposes of the walk was to pledge on behalf of family members to No McDonalds
in Tecoma. Organisers report that the 250 who attended on the day were
representative of over 2,000 family members saying No to McDonalds in Tecoma.
Merryn and Jessica wanted to take action and came up
with the idea of a reflective walk from Belgrave to Tecoma. |
members walked from the Belgrave Town Park to the site in Tecoma and stood in
one minutes reflective silence led by event organisers Jessica and Merryn.
the minutes silence community members placed their messages of No on the fence
and moved to FatSpace (in the same
building as DVD Destination) where I spoke, followed by Brian Baker who led a rousing rendition of
the Ballad of Tecoma. In speaking to the crowd I reminded people as to why I
thought McDonalds in Tecoma was a bad idea. I acknowledged that we are all here
and say no for our own reasons but for me, these are my reasons.
Local singer/songwriter Brian Baker is
intrinsically linked to the campaign as the
writer and performer of the Ballad of Tecoma,
you can check out his performance on youtube. |
voted against the development based on concerns around intensity of traffic, we
know that Burwood Highway will be so much more dangerous, more congested and
because of that we'll see more 'rat running' through local streets. I was
concerned about the cultural significance of the Dandenongs, namely Sherbrooke
Forest, which is so important that view lines in and out of the forest are listed
as being of state significance by the National Trust. I was concerned about the built form, being
blocky, boxy and bulky, terms that came very familiar at the VCAT appeal.
I was
concerned with the poor articulation to the street frontage, the building does
not integrate well to the frontage. I am very concerned about the interface
with residential areas, I would not like to be one of the residents abutting
the development as I think the impacts on their amenity will be enormous. I'm
concerned about the acoustics, as hills dwellers we all know that the hills and
valleys play tricks with the sound and noise can travel long distances. I was
concerned with the drive through configuration which crosses a public
carriageway not once but three times.
concerned about the safety of pedestrians on site and the lack of dedicated
pedestrian space on site, I believe it's because McDonalds don't want you to
get out of your car, particularly as 70% of their business in generated through
the drive through. I was concerned about the configuration of the disability
car park, located close to the driveway entrance and exit on Burwood Hwy, it
will be nightmarish to try and get out of that car park.
I was
concerned about the excessive signage and visual clutter of the signage
proposed and last but certainly not least I was concerned about the failure of
the development to be in keeping or enhance the neighbourhood character of
there be no doubt that my concerns were based on planning matters. When council
voted unanimously to refuse the application that was representative democracy
in action. However the decision by VCAT to approve the application was far from
democratic. Made by tribunal members that have no accountability to the local
community, are not representative of the local community and don't need to take
into account the number of community objections nor community aspiration, it is
far from democratic and fundamentally flawed.
finished by making an observation, last time I said this I was accused of
incitement but I wanted people to know categorically that this was not
incitement but an observation and that is that you aint seen nothing yet.
to Gregg who's uploaded a video of the reflective walk on youtube, you can check it out here.
at 1535 Burwood Hwy, Tecoma, FatSpace
is a retail space set up to tackle contentious, confronting, current and controversial
community issues, they are currently calling for entries to "Junk Food:
fast, fried and fatal".
Labels: cr samantha dunn, mcdonalds, tecoma
It was an absolute honour to have your attendance at the mini event - Show You Say...NO! To McDonalds In Tecoma - Reflective Walk Protest.
Thank you from your Community & those in support of this vital Campaign & what it represents. That this is not over!
Yours gratefully
Merryn Griffiths
This is very disappointing, Cr. Dunn.
I'd hoped you would support businesses in our towns. McDonald's may not be to everyone's tastes but it will bring employment and commercial traffic to Tecoma at a time when the area is in dire need of practical support, and not principled obstruction.
I'm afraid you've lost my support and that of many others in the ward.
A terrific summary of the day's activity, Samantha!
Sorry I wasn't there....but I was elsewhere supporting another fabulous event - the book launch of "Lunar the Leadbeater's Possum" by Macclesfield Primary School student Mieke Florisson.
VCAT are disconnected from communities and their expectation to be heard, listened to and have their concerns acted upon, they are failing miserably in that regard, and have a LOT to answer for!
I believe their life of privilege separates them what is really happening in different communities. This is not the only REALLY BAD decision they have made in recent years where the community clearly does not want something to happen!
I feel it is time for VCAT to be made accountable, and with a State election coming up in 2014, that is one of the issues each incumbent and candidate needs to be clear about.
Community matters! Bureaucracy must pay attention.
I always have and always will support local businesses in all the townships in my ward. My problem is not with McDonalds but the implications of intense use on a site that encourages people to stay in their cars to transact business.
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