Sunday, July 27, 2008

an outstanding contribution

This Saturday marked a very special occasion in recognition of an outstanding contribution by a member of our local community, Ted Heron. It was the Belgrave CFA’s annual award night, but in addition to the usual awards a special presentation was given to Ted Heron, member of the CFA for the past 55 years. I was honoured to be part of the presentations and thanked Ted on behalf of council and the community by awarding him a letter of recognition and thanks.

Ted has made a significant contribution to the community during his time. Not only involved in strike teams across the state and every major incident across the Dandenong Ranges, Ted was the instigator of the Belgrave CFA Art Show, which saw its 25th Anniversary this year. As well as the enormous amount of hours spent as a volunteer Ted also found time to undertake community education programs and coordinate school programs to raise awareness of fire safety.

The CFA Brigades play a key and essential role in the safety of residents, it is a vital job and volunteer CFA members are held in the highest regard by our community.

"What a great achievement and wonderful contribution you have made to our community. All the best Ted, our community wishes you and your family well."

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