belgrave traders agm
I have always been a keen supporter of local businesses in my ward. "Shop local" is something I have not only espoused but practiced since I moved to the hills.
Each of the townships in Lyster are varied, offer diverse services and have differing needs, I understand the differences even though some of these townships are geographically close.
Part of my support to traders in the local region extended to me chairing Belgrave Traders Association AGM Election of Office Bearers.
I’m pleased to announce that for 2008/09 the following traders will take office:
President: Donna Burgess (Ample & Reel Café)
Vice President: Gary Felstead (Curves)
Secretary: Rod Kaye (Duncans)
Treasurer: Michael Alexander (Belgrave Dry Cleaners)
General Members:
Lee-Anne Benson (Savvy Organic Pizza)
George Harmon (George Harmon & Associates)
Steve Davies (Hair Down There)
John Ding (Belgrave Licensed Post Office)
Arthur Kyriakos (Belgrave Pharmacy & Bronco Bjelan Chemist)
Congratulations to all elected, I look forward to our continued good working relationship through 2009.

Labels: belgrave traders association, blacksmiths way, clean up
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