the supermarket application – tecoma
I have received many calls and emails from residents in Tecoma and surrounds about the application for a supermarket on Burwood Highway (YR2008/816).
Many residents have expressed their concern about the application and the short time line to lodge an objection.
I would like to assure residents that the time on the planning application relates to the statutory period of notice for the application, council will continue to accept submissions right up to the day of the council meeting that will decide whether to approve or refuse the application. Given the complexity of the application it will not be heard by council before December and perhaps even later.

To date 15 objections have been received by concerned residents, which means the application will be decided by full council (the trigger is 6 objections or more). Given the amount of objections to date a planning consultation meeting will be held, this gives the opportunity for objectors and the applicant to discuss the points of objection and the detail of the application.
Many residents have asked me which supermarket it will be, an independent or a larger chain. In looking through the file, I did see on two of the plans a notation that stated Tecoma Coles and I can only assume that it is intended to be a Coles, however the Shire has not been officially advised of who it will be.
If you would like to discuss the application in more detail I welcome your call or email on 9752 6869 or
Labels: coles, samantha dunn, supermarket, tecoma, YR2008/816
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