safety for selby?
The issue of pedestrian safety in Selby has come up again after the matter was raised by a local community advocate.
In late 2007 $69,000 grey spot funding was provided for Vic Roads to build a concrete median and splitter island. This was to improve road safety.

I am told the works are now complete and there is no sign of splitter islands, all we have is some road widening with additional line marking.
Back in December 2007 it was with great delight I received the news about funding for Selby via a media release from James Merlino, Member for Monbulk.
The realisation that this is not happening is a bitter disappointment to me and to the community of Selby.

I fail to understand how some additional lines on the road make it safer for people to cross the road.
I fail to understand how some additional lines on the road will slow down traffic.
I fail to understand how some additional lines on the road have improved any of the intersections in Selby.
The traffic is not slowing, the pedestrians are still risking life and limb to cross the road, and there have been no improvements for the community of Selby.

There are many facilities residents have to cross the road for, the Pre School, the General Store, Selby Park, the Community House, the Primary School, the very busy GP clinic, the Mechanics, the Church, the Tennis Courts, the bus stops just to name a few.
Safety of pedestrians is an issue that is continually raised with me and I will continue to advocate for improvements not only for Selby but for townships throughout the Shire.
Labels: 50kph, pedestrian safety, samantha dunn, selby, vicroads, yarra ranges
Vic Roads seem to believe that "lines" do magic things. However, the "incomplete" works Vic Roads have completed only make it easier for vehicles to now go faster down into Selby due to the "widened" road !! So pedestrians now have to "run faster" to cross the road, drivers exiting areas within the township are even more at risk, our children are being exposed to daily dangers of crossing to catch school buses due the failure and incompetence of Vic Roads. I am sure that if they really put some thought into it, that apart from the island that was supposed to be built at the eastern approach, they could have also found a resolution at the western approach "within the constraints of the road width" and within the now squandered budget for some safety. Selby should not go without safety improvements, just because Vic Roads don't yet know how to competently manage the funding that is provided for a project. And introducing 50kph should be just common sense, particularly given the location of the bends at each end of the town.
It is a very disappointing outcome. The road is not safer, pedestrians are still risking life and limb to cross the road. I will continue to fight for a better, safer outcome for Selby.
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