Earlier this week, Greens MLC Colleen Hartland (pictured above) released Turning Rubbish Into Money, a report detailing the benefits of container deposit legislation (CDL). The report outlines the financial, social and environmental benefits of a 10cent deposit on drink bottles and is a precursor to the Greens introducing legislation for a 10cent refundable deposit on drink bottles, cans and cartons. Colleen commisioned the report to show that a 10cent deposit system is not only good for the environment but makes sound financial sense (visit VicGreens and follow the links to find out more).
Last year the Yarra Ranges Council considered the issue of container deposit legislation, the benefits were very clear, any legislated, mandatory broad based packaging and recovery scheme would reduce unsightly and dangerous litter in our environment. At the same time increasing recycling will save both energy and raw materials used in the production of packaging. There are many positive benefits to the community, the environment, government and industry.
Turning Rubbish Into Money highlights the benefits of CDL, benefits which South Australia has been enjoying for many, many years. The Keep Australia Beautiful Litter Index report 06-07 clearly indicates that there are far less CDL items in the litter stream in South Australia. Per 1000 m2 of land there were 1.59 CDL items in South Australia compared with 2.8 items in Victoria.
If you would like to know more about the CDL campaign follow this link.
The Shire's support of CDL resulted in an invitation to present to the Senate Committee Inquiry on Waste Streams (see blog). I presented to the Senate Committee on behalf of council and included the results of a waste audit for the Melbourne metropolitan region, a staggering 15% of the waste collected was made up of recyclable materials and finding their way to landfill, imagine if there was a CDL system in place, these recyclables would be making the community money rather than filling up landfill space. A recent audit of the shire’s public waste bins found that 50% of rubbish was recyclable.
In South Australia the Scouts make over $1 million a year from can and bottle refunds. Other charities and community groups also benefit financially. Imagine if there was a CDL system in Victoria, no more unsightly rubbish cluttering our streets, like these left over stubbies in Belgrave. CDL has massive benefits to community and the environment.The Senate Committee final report highlighted support of the waste hierarchy:
"The waste hierarchy was supported by many as a meaningful tool to guide waste management as it seeks to minimise waste generation and maximise resource recovery. As Councillor Samantha Dunn stated:
The waste hierarchy—refuse, reuse, recycle, recover energy, treat, contain, dispose—should be used to guide all community consideration and management of waste products"Labels: cdl, container deposit legislation, turning rubbish into money
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