public transport in the east
report from the roundtable - 23 June
Tonight I moved a motion that council writes to our local MPs seeking their support for the Eastern Transport Coalition (ETC) in advocating to the state government for funding for improvements to the public transport system in the outer east.

Despite some positive initiatives in the VTP, the ETC believes that insufficient consideration has been given to the needs of the eastern and south-eastern regions of Melbourne. The ETC is seeking support for a parliamentary inquiry to study the detailed transport needs of the area to ensure that a full and proper understanding of the economic and social needs of the region is factored against the constantly growing transport requirements.
I also reported back on meetings I've already had with local MPs to discuss the work of the ETC (see blog).
Our public transport system in Yarra Ranges is far from adequate, our communities suffer a great deal of disadvantage having to deal with poorly connected and infrequent services, where they exist. It is important our MPs understand the situation. I'm pleased to report that the motion was carried unanimously.
Report from the roundtable is my regular blog entry on items of interest from the Yarra Ranges council meeting (held twice monthly).
Labels: eastern transport coalition, etc, public transport
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