run for a safe climate
27 Days
6,000 KM
25 Runners
A team of 25 trained runners from across the emergency services are running a relay over six thousand kilometres to link Australia's communities, agricultural regions, coastal areas, water supplies and ecosystems at great risk through global warming, as well as the great clean energy and climate solutions that are a key to a safe climate future for Australia.

Want to know more, visit
Our emergency services workers are our climate front line. They tackle our intensifying fires, floods, storms and the medical fallout of these events. They’re running because they understand the risk and safety issues that global warming is creating and they want to make a difference.
The run is a unique and powerful way to take the Safe Climate message out into the community, so get our there and support our emergency workers in their quest. You can participate or sponsor a runner, become a fan or just spread the message.
These people bear the brunt of the climate emergencies and want to make a difference. Support them today – you can….
1. Attend local run events in your area:
2. RSVP and tell your friends about the Run at at:
3. Tune into Twitter
4. Become a fan on Facebook
5. Sponsor the run or one of the runners
Labels: climate change, run for a safe climate
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