come a’carolling in belgrave
Carols in Belgrave is on Friday 11th December in the Belgrave Town Park.

A joint venture between the Shire of Yarra Ranges Youth Services, Hilltop Sounds and BRAG this year’s carols will include performances by St Thomas More’s Primary School choir as well as the Mater Christi College Choir.
The night starts at 5:30 and will go through till 9pm. Organisers encourage residents to bring along their winter solstice lanterns and redecorate them for Christmas. Rotary will provide a free sausage sizzle (vegie burgers too) and Stax the Didgeman will also be performing.
I’ll be there with the ETC’s public transport Monster Petition on it’s final leg of its tour of the Yarra Ranges.
It will be a great night for the family, I encourage you to come along.
Labels: belgrave, carols by candelight
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