banksia business
It was terrific to learn that the Shire of Yarra Ranges Sustainable Business Program has been listed as a finalist in the Banksia Environmental Awards for the "Education – Raising the Bar" category.

The Yarra Ranges Sustainable Business Program assists local businesses to embrace sustainability. The program empowers companies to use new tools and thinking to drive environmentally sustainable practices in their businesses that considers people and planet, and it's good for the bottom line too. As a direct result of the Sustainable Business Program, program participants have introduced energy saving initiatives that have saved up to 3,300 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions (not including the 2009 program).
Other notable sustainable practices that program participants have introduced into their businesses include adopting significant behaviour change strategies that have allowed a number of participants to reengage with staff and strongly boost staff morale, in turn reducing staff turnover and empowering key staff to take leadership in their organisations and implementing best practices for marketing sustainability and for formulating sustainability policies that pertain to tendering for public contracts which have significant export operations.
The Banksia Awards Ceremony will be held on Friday 15th October 2010 at the Sydney Town Hall.

Limerence is well worth a visit, it is a unique retail space located at 1642 Burwood Hwy, Belgrave. Brent and CJ strive to provide an environment, which brings the local community together to celebrate all things creative. They are committed to keeping it local, and keeping it fair and aspire to provide the community with Australian, hand made fashion and jewellery, as well as be a commercial exhibition space for artisans of all kinds.
Labels: banksia awards, belgrave, cr samantha dunn, limerence, small business, sustainable business network, yarra ranges
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