flora and fauna strategy - more opportunity to comment
report from the roundtable - 22 feb
At this week's council meeting we voted unanimously to extend the timeline for the community to provide comments to our Flora and Fauna Strategy.

As a consequence council has received a lot of submissions about "our new law that stops people planting roses", which is most unfortunate as council has not proposed a law to prevent the planting of roses, or veggie patches for that matter.
I hoped that the extension of time would enable the community to gain a true understanding of the strategy and put forward submissions that were relevant.
As a way to help the community understand the intent of the strategy council has produced a fact sheet or if you'd like more information you can call our Biodiversity and Conservation Officer on 1300 368 333 or you can download the entire strategy here.
Community members now have until the 4th April, 2011 to provide feedback.
Labels: cr samantha dunn, flora fauna strategy, yarra ranges
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