council considers mcdonalds - date confirmed

Due to the extensive public interest in this application council has decided to move the meeting to a larger venue to accomodate community members who may wish to hear the deliberations.
Details are:
York on Lilydale
Cnr Swansea and York Roads
Mt Evelyn
meeting starts at 7:45pm
click here for a map
Given the amount of interest council has also agreed to hear 3 speakers against the application and 3 speakers for the application (it is usual custom to only have 1 speaker for and 1 speaker against). It is the Mayor's discretion as to who speaks on the evening and he will call for a show of hands as to who is interested in speaking to the item.
If you've got any queries regarding the planning process please email me on
If you'd like to make a submission to the application please email it to Please note your submission must indicate your name and address and is considered a public document during the planning process.
Labels: cr samantha dunn, mcdonalds, tecoma, yarra ranges
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