cleaning up in belgrave

I had the job of the town park which had it's fair share of food packaging and beverage containers.
Marina Dennis, coordinator of the Belgrave Trader's Association organised the day's activities. It's great to see the traders getting involved and really good to see Mikey from Belgrave Dry Cleaners and Glenn from Bell Real Estate getting down and dirty cleaning up Belgrave.


It's amazing what a small amount of people can achieve, but sad and frustrating that we still need to dedicate valuable volunteer hours to cleaning up because people don't dispose of their rubbish properly.
Well done to all the volunteers, the town looks great!
Labels: belgrave, belgrave traders association, clean up, cr samantha dunn, southern dandenongs landcare
Cr Dunn,
I commend you on your efforts to clean up our community.
It is a shame that the councils efforts are focused on cleaning up areas that can generate publicity rather than the shire as a whole.
I have had numerous conversations with the council since early January regarding a pile of dumped rubish on Ryans Road and am still waiting for that ever elusive call back or positave action to rectify the disgussting mess.
I think you should get your backyard sorted before patting yourself on the back.
Jeff Gittus
Resident Ryans Road
Hi Jeff, I'd be happy to follow up on your behalf, this is the first I've heard of your issue. Would you mind emailing me your contact details on
Hi Jeff
I haven't received your contact details as yet so thought I'd report back via the blog, dumped material will be collected by the end of next week.
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