etc supports concessional fares for internationals

Integrated and affordable public transport is crucial to the continued growth of the eastern region. Education, particularly tertiary education, is a key industry in the region and good public transport options are crucial to its continued strength.
ACPET have just released a paper which shows that 89% of international students surveyed would not recommend studying in Victoria because of the lack of public transport assistance. The report estimated that paying full fare added around $30 per week to the living costs of overseas students.
The ETC and communities in Melbourne's east have lobbied for years for integrated and affordable public transport to ease congestion and provide better links to activity hubs, tertiary institutions and other facilities.
According to Regional Development Australia, international education is Victoria's highest export, valued at more than $5.5billion in 2010. Modelling carried out by ACPET estimated that the cost of providing international student concessions would be $93million a year.
Inadequate public transport is a major challenge for students in Melbourne's east, particularly international students, and requires significant investment in the coming years.
Labels: cr samantha dunn, eastern transport coalition, etc, fares, international students, public transport
This is a great cause.
Institutions (& Australia) bend over backwards to entice international students to come here. They save our tertiary systems. But once here, are often treated appallingly by those same institutions and by exploitative government exclusions, full-price public transport being the most obvious. Judy Wolff
Thanks Judy, seems to me it would be a great investment to allow concessions if we want to maintain Victoria's competitive edge when it comes to International Education. Cheers Samantha
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