the people of brimbank deserve a vote

The Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA) has expressed its concern about a decision by Minister for Local Government, the Hon Jeanette Powell, to introduce legislation next week to extend the Administration of the Brimbank City Council through until March 2015.
"We are extremely disappointed that the Minister has reached a decision to extend the period of administration at Brimbank,” said the VLGA’s President, Cr Samantha Dunn.
“In September 2009, the VLGA advocated to the former State Labor Government for the return of elected representatives at the latest by the October 2012 local government elections, on the basis that the required organisational changes recommended in the Ombudsman's report would be put in place within that time frame.
"While we note the advice that the community can expect to go to the vote in March 2015, our strong preference is to see the people of Brimbank able to cast a vote in October 2012, just as the people of every other Victorian municipality will have the chance to do.
"We now call on the Minister to give an undertaking to the people of Brimbank that the restoration of elected councillors can be brought forward and ensure the newly appointed administrators achieve the required objectives in a shorter time frame.
"We will raise our concerns directly with the Minister, and we will be looking to assist Brimbank staff and administrators as much as we possibly can to prepare for the return of democratically elected councillors as quickly as possible."
Labels: brimbank, council elections, cr samantha dunn, victorian local governance association, vlga
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