Tuesday, September 18, 2012
About Me
- Name: Samantha Dunn
- Location: Selby, Dandenong Ranges, Australia
It's a great honour and privilege to serve the people of the Lyster Ward. I was voted onto council in 2005 and have been re-elected twice since with a Greens record 58.93% primary vote in 2012. I'm passionate about the community and I enjoy working with them to shape an even better future. This term on council I will be representing the various township groups in Lyster, Belgrave Hub Project Steering Committee Birdsland Advisory Committee, Burrinja, Eastern Regional Libraries Corp, Eastern Transport Coalition, Fire Management Committee, Graffiti Working Group and the Municipal Emergency Management Committee. In 2009 I was elected as Chairperson of the Eastern Transport Coalition and continue to serve in that role. In 2011 I was elected President of the Victorian Local Governance Association after serving two years as Treasurer. In Dec 2013 I stood down as President as I was preselected to run for the Greens in Eastern Metropolitan in the 2014 state election. IMAGES FROM THIS BLOGSITE MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR REPUBLISHED WITHOUT PERMISSION, if you wish to use an image just ask by emailing samantha.dunn@vic.greens.org.au. ANONYMOUS AND/OR OFFENSIVE COMMENTS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED.
Previous Posts
- belgrave traders agm, new committee elected
- angry about swinburne lilydale closure?
- bridging to belgrave
- samantha in the press - planning
- monbulk pool gets a try out
- mcdonalds appeal - just when you thought it was over
- awesome ornithorhynkids day - it'll be great!
- belgrave hub, investigations begin
- burke, considering a visit?
- samantha in the press - elections

While Cr Dunn is busy playing state politics, Belgrave is missing out. Under her stewardship we have not seen any new footpaths, old ones remain unrepaired and overgrown. Mums push prams along streets or eroded gravel. Belgrave is covered in broken glass and rubbish after each weekend (where are the promissed street cleaners?).
Perhaps Cr Dunn could show some more respect for her local constituents, and less for the Greens party machine. She demonstrated during the last state elections that her her focus is set on state seat, not her ward. Perhaps its time for a new person to represent the locals.
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