Sunday, May 22, 2011

council told to lift reflex ban

Readers will recall that at the council meeting on the 27th April, I moved the Ethical Paper Pledge motion which was supported by a majority vote of council. Council has since gone on to sign the pledge which is a public statement of commitment not to purchase paper with native forest content.

The signing of this pledge and it's implications has since been highlighted in an article in the Herald Sun.
Council told to lift ban on Reflex paper or lose new jobs
by Anne Wright
21 May 2011

In response Yarra Ranges Mayor, Cr Terry Avery issued this statement:

Ethical Paper Pledge
"Council's procurement policy supports sustainability, protection of the environment, corporate social responsibility and local community needs. We purchase copy paper in line with the procurement policy, it requires that paper is made in Australia to minimise 'paper miles' and our carbon footprint.

The paper Yarra Ranges purchases contains 80% recycled fibre and 20% plantation timber fibre, it contains no native forest content from any country.

Australian Paper supplies almost 100% of Council's paper and their Australian (TM) product line was chosen on its environmental credentials and alignment with our sustainable procurement commitments.

We purchase paper in accordance with the Ethical Paper Pledge and encourage other authorities to do likewise. We feel strongly that the pledge is an accurate reflection of our commitment to sustainability, protection of the environment, corporate social responsibility and local community needs as outlined in the procurement policy."

Relocation of VicForests' corporate offices
"Council is supportive in principle of a proposal to relocate the VicForests corporate headquarters to the Yarra Glen/Healesville area. As part of this approach, the CEO of Yarra Ranges Council has had meetings with Minister Walsh and the VicForests CEO to advance the project.

Such a partnership would demonstrate the commitment of State Government and Council to expand local employment bases, promote working closer to home, deliver recurrent operational savings and stimulate the local economy in areas directly affected by the February 2009 bushfires.

We are disappointed that Minister Walsh has chosen to establish a direct link between the two unrelated issues.

We certainly remain open to discussing the opportunities to partner with the State Government to relocate VicForests' corporate headquarters to Yarra Ranges."

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At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pledging to stop purchases that involve native timber harvesting products while wooing the states only native timber harvesting company. Decide where you stand on this issue! Yes it is clearly one issue not two. If you believe native timber harvesting is sustainable and bad for the environment stand by your convictions and reject the proposal to place more VicForests staff within the shire. Otherwise go to bed with them, buy their paper and support their bureaucrats commuting every day from Melbourne.


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