mcdonalds application - this tuesday

If you'd like to read the officer's report click here.
Due to the significant community interest council has decided to change venue as our regular council chambers in Lilydale only hold around 100 people (at a pinch).
Details of the meeting are:
Where: York on Lilydale
Cnr York and Swansea Roads
Mt Evelyn
When: Tues 11 Oct at 7:45pm
Due to the significant public interest council has decided to allow 3 speakers to speak for and against the application. I can report that council has received over 1,100 objections and 6 letters of support. If you have any questions about the planning process please contact me on
Labels: cr samantha dunn, mcdonalds, shire of yarra ranges, tecoma
Hi Samantha!
Stella job last night on behalf of the community.
I'm a newie to the Yarra Ranges, but so far I'm impressed.
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