logging forum - money into thin air?
Last week (03/04/08) I attended a VLGA Forum on logging in Melbourne's water catchments. It was a very interesting forum with speakers from the Melbourne Water Catchment Network, the DSE, former Surf Coast councillor Julie Hansen and VAFI.
The Brighton Town Hall was packed to the rafters and it was clear from the feeling in the room that overwhelmingly the majority support Yarra Range's position opposing logging in water catchments. We saw even more compelling data explaining in very clear terms how the economics of logging Melbourne's water catchments versus water yield just doesn't stack up.
The DSE and VAFI say we need more research. Melbourne's Water Catchments have had substantial research over many years, probably more than any other, we don't need any more research. The research clearly shows that logging has a detrimental impact on quality and quantity of water.It was great to see some fellow Greens at the forum, it goes without saying this is an area that the Greens are very interested in. It was great to see the VLGA involved in the issue, water is a critical issue now and will be more so into the future.
I look forward to continuing the fight to stop logging in Melbourne's catchments. It is senseless in so many ways.
Logging our catchments;
reduces water yield
reduces water quality
makes our catchments more prone to bushfire
destroys valuable carbon stores
contributes to greenhouse gas emissions
destroys precious biodiversity
What can you do? Write to your local state MP, the Premier, the Minister for Water. Write to your local council asking them to oppose logging in Melbourne's water catchments. It is important that your government hear you and writing to them is the best way to have your voice heard.

From left to right: David Ellis (Warrandyte-Manningham branch), Sue Pennicuik MLC - Southern Metropolitan Region, me, Cr Samantha Dunn - Shire of Yarra Ranges, Robert Stephen (Dandenong Ranges branch) and Peter Halcomb (Warrandyte-Manningham branch).
Labels: dse, logging, logging forum, logging water catchments, mwcn, vafi
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