It was great to hear that the sixth council has joined with Yarra Ranges to oppose logging in Melbourne's water catchments. The momentum on this issue grows as more people become aware of the impact of logging on water yield, let alone biodiversity, carbon sequestration and climate change. We all recognise that it is poor water policy to continue to log in Melbourne's precious water catchments. The seven councils who have passed resolutions opposing logging in catchments represent over 800,000 Melburnians.
The Melbourne Water Catchment Network have designed a map that allows users to click on local government areas in Melbourne and easily read the no logging motions passed by councils. I encourage you to have a look by visiting
. Here I am at the Mad Hatter's Tree Party in Warburton (a community event) writing our family's message on the "scroll from the heart", to be presented to the Premier, John Brumby.
"Dear Mr Brumby, the earth is an amazing provider, she provides us with everything we need to survive. Our forests provide us with air, water and precious biodiversity. These ecological services are provided for free and we couldn't survive without them. Continuing to log our forests puts our very survival at risk. Our forests are precious places and must be conserved and expanded. Please stop logging our native forests now, our children's children will thank you."
Labels: armstrong catchment, cement creek, logging, logging water catchments, melbourne water catchment network
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