selby's greyspot funding gettting whiter

A sleepy Sunday in Selby?
This photo was taken today at midday.
It is very unfortunate that the proposed roadworks to improve safety for pedestrians in the township of Selby have been scaled down. The initial plan included the construction of three traffic islands. This would enable safer crossing of Belgrave Gembrook Road and also have the effect of slowing traffic down.
I now find that there will only be one traffic island at the Eastern end of town with line marking instead of traffic islands for the rest of the town. The change has been driven by difficult topography and loss of parking spaces, further compounded by a limited budget from VicRoads to fund the works.
This makes it even more imperative that Minister Pallas heeds our request for 50kph zones to be applied throughout Yarra Ranges townships. A letter requesting the change to speed limits was sent on 22nd April, I do hope the Minister is giving it high priority, we don't want someone to be injured or even worse, killed in the mean time.
My challenge is still on the table, I'd like to see someone from VicRoads cross the road safely with kids in tow.

When will we see this signage throughout our townships in Yarra Ranges?
Labels: 50km/h, 50kph, belgrave gembrook rd, pallas, selby, vicroads
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