tecoma supermarket application
Earlier today I attended a public meeting held in Tecoma to discuss the supermarket application. There were over 100 people in attendance from Tecoma and surrounds. Organisers of the meeting placed helium balloons on site to give a visual indication of the proposed height of the building.

I was invited to attend and I thought it was important to let the community know about the steps involved in the planning process. There are some people who think the decision has already been made, it has not.
The process is:
*All of the objections received will be collated and reviewed by the planning officer (to date 50 objections have been received by council)
*The objectors and applicant will be invited to a consultation meeting. This will provide an opportunity to discuss the proposal, address any issues that can be addressed, and explain the process further.
*In the meantime the planning officer will follow up any outstanding referrals with statutory authorities like Vic Roads for example.
*Once the officer has all the information to hand she will prepare a report to Council. This matter will be decided by Council because of the number of objections.
*The application is likely to come to Council in December at the earliest.
*Once Council has made a decision, whatever that decision may be, there is the potential for appeals to VCAT by either the applicant or objectors.
*If an appeal is lodged the Tribunal (VCAT) hears all parties and makes a decision as if it were the responsible authority (council).

If you would like to discuss the application or the planning process I welcome your call on 9752 6869 or you can email me at s.dunn@yarraranges.vic.gov.au.
Labels: samantha dunn, supermarket, tecoma
Dear Samantha, provided that the supermaket could be contructed in a manner that is in keeping with the hills environment, I am all for it. People living in the hills need to shop. This might provide some opposition for safeway and keep their prices competative. It will also provide employment for locals especially students looking for part time work. There are many people living in the hills that feel isolated and have to travel on public transport to do their shopping. Tecoma has a train station, is situated on Burwood Highway and they are complaining that they don't want a supermaket?
Tecoma esthetically is pleasing but i don't think that a supermaket is going to disadvantage the area at all. If council was planning to erect it in Selby, Menzies Creek or the like, then that would be a different story. I say go for it.
Local resident
One of the challenges of being a councillor is weighing up the pro's and con's for each application. I will continue to listen to the community as I always have. I encourage community members, whether you be a supporter or objector of the application, to make your views known by putting in a submission to mail@yarraranges.vic.gov.au
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