our forests our water our climate our future
It was a privilege to accept an invitation to speak at the Our Forests Our Water Our Climate Our Future rally held in Warburton today.

Around 500 people attended the rally from not only across the Yarra Ranges but from metropolitan Melbourne as well, which was a great show of support for the local community in their effort to stop logging in Melbourne’s water catchments.
Tracy Bartram MC’d the event, welcome to country was by Auntie Joy Murphy, followed by me, then Luke Chamberlain of the Wilderness Society. Here are a few photos of the day along with a copy of my speech.

On the 27th November 2007 I moved the following motion:
That Council supports a public statement opposing logging of water catchments in Yarra Ranges, and further that Council also makes representation to the Premier, the Minister of Environment and Minister of Water, and I propose that the statement is:
The Shire of Yarra Ranges does not support logging in water catchments.
Council recognises that:
1. Logging has a dramatic and detrimental effect on water yield in catchments.
2. Young re-growth trees need more water to grow thus releasing less water into catchments.
3. Logging reduces stream flow and yields to water catchments.
4. It takes 150 years for water yields to return to their pre logged status.
5. It is poor water policy to continue to log our water catchments.
6. Logging of water catchments adversely affects water quality through increasing sediment as does road construction through logging coupes.
We urge the government to consider a policy of no logging in water catchments.
The motion was supported unanimously by the Yarra Ranges councillors.

City of Bayside
Moreland City Council
City of Port Phillip
City of Whitehorse
City of Yarra
Knox City Council
Nillumbik Shire Council
City of Kingston
City of Melbourne
Maroondah City Council
City of Boroondara
Frankston City Council
City of Maribyrnong and
Moonee Valley City Council
all oppose logging in Melbourne’s water catchments. Collectively we represent 1.7 million Melburnians.

After significant public pressure during this council election period those councillors who initially rejected the motion to oppose logging have now committed to supporting the motion to oppose logging should they be re-elected to office. The voice of the people is powerful.
We have already lost billions and billions of litres of water supply from past woodchipping. We have a government that is spending $1 billion on a pipeline, which we all know wont have any water in it, and $3 billion on a desalination plant which will cause untold environmental damage.
If our government stopped logging all our catchments tomorrow we would gain 18 gigalitres of water a year, that’s 18 billion litres of water returned to Melburnians every year.

The government is currently spending $100 million to reconnect the Tarago Dam which will return 16 gigalitres to Melbourne’s water supply, surely Mr Brumby it would be a progressive move to stop logging, pay a fifth of the price and do something positive to protect Melbourne’s water supply.
We have heard through Tammy Lobato’s office that there will be no logging of Cement Creek this year. I have to say this is a hollow victory, there has been no commitment to truly protect Cement Creek, not now or into the future. There is no doubt the government is feeling the pressure and we need to keep that pressure up. Congratulations to you – what you are doing is being heard.
Cement Creek is a forest with considerable tracts of high conservation old growth forest, precious for its lead beaters possum habitat, it includes a site of aboriginal significance and not to mention its value as a carbon store.

Mr Brumby it’s time for your government to stop logging our water catchments. We can no longer accept these irresponsible actions which continue to jeopardise and squander our natural assets.
It’s time to stop the sound of chainsaws and bulldozers in our catchments.
It’s time to stop woodchipping our forests for paper.
It’s time to stop threatening our water supply.
It’s time to listen to the will of the people.
It’s time Mr Brumby, to protect our forests, our water, our climate, our future.
Labels: logging water catchments, our forests our water our climate our future rally, samantha dunn, warburton
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