belgrave south recreation reserve – building a plan
I have been working with the Belgrave South Football Club, the South Belgrave Cricket Club, Belgrave South Primary School, Belgrave South Red Devils Basketball Club, Belgrave South Community House, Southern Dandenongs Landcare Group and community representatives on the development of a master plan for the Belgrave South Recreation Reserve.

Me, at the recently retrenched and resprigged Belgrave South Recreation Reserve, part of the Shire's ongoing drought proofing program. Sport forms such a critical part of the social fabric of our community, I think it is essential that drought proofing our ovals continues to be a high priority.
The next step in the process is to engage with the broader Belgrave South community to find out their aspirations for the site. The sorts of things that have come up in discussions with the sporting groups include lengthening the oval, resiting and improving the cricket nets, creating new pick up/drop off zones for the school, creating safer vehicle and pedestrian access to the ground, providing better parking, improving and developing pedestrian linkages between the township, the school and the reserve, exploring the potential for basketball facilities in the region, creating a wetlands area including water storage to secure water supplies for the reserve.
As you can see there’s a whole range of ideas that have come up but it is important to go that next step and start talking to the community. An information sheet is being designed for a letterbox drop which will go out to all local residents very soon. It’s important that residents have their say.
Watch this space for more info as it comes to hand. I congratulate the group, they have covered much ground in a short space of time, I look forward being part of the development of a master plan for the area.
Labels: belgrave south recreation reserve, lyster ward, samantha dunn
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