Saturday, November 08, 2008

the tecoma supermarket application

Many people in the community have asked what my view of the supermarket application in Tecoma is, I can understand their need to know as the application is a significant development for the region.

Councillors must be fair to both objectors and applicants and consider all the facts before them prior to making a decision. The 'bias rule' of natural justice requires decision makers not only to be impartial but to conduct themselves so that no fair minded person might reasonably believe the decision maker was biased.

Me speaking at a recent public meeting at Hippy Haven (17/10/08) about the supermarket application.
It would be unfair of me to state a position prior to this application coming to council. I know this is frustrating for the community but I want to make sure that I am sitting at the table representing my community when it comes the time to vote.

If any candidate in the upcoming election expresses a view on the supermarket application, whether it be for or against the application, there is a case for predetermined bias. If that candidate is successfully elected it could give either the objectors or the applicant just cause to have that councillor removed from participating in the vote when it comes to council for a decision.

I can assure you I will listen to the community and their views, as I always have. It is not what I think, it is what the community thinks that matters.

I will continue to assist the community with information about the planning process and ensure their views are represented in council chambers.

I can assure the community I will take into account each and every one of the matters raised in objections.

I have always listened to the community and I always will. I want to be at the table representing my community when the time comes to vote on the Tecoma Supermarket application.

There is a community meeting organised by Tecoma residents being held to discuss the application, I will be there to listen to the community and planning staff from the Shire will be there to provide technical information. If you would like to know more you can visit, a site set up by Tecoma residents.

If you would like information about the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme click

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