Wednesday, October 29, 2008

the campaign trail

The election is now on in earnest with nominations closing yesterday.

As part of the electoral process the ballot draw was held the same day at the electoral office in Lilydale (a ballot draw is to determine where a candidate’s name appears on the ballot paper).

I went along to see how I’d fair. Luck was with me as I drew number one position on the ballot paper out of a field of five. It’s always a positive to get the number one spot on the ballot.

I expect the predictable smear campaigns against me however I proudly stand by my track record over the past three years on council.

In all my thoughts and decision making I have always put the aspirations and needs of the Lyster community front and centre. My passion for the community is unwavering.

I have unfinished business, I want the opportunity to see projects through to completion and new projects undertaken. Please give me that opportunity.

VOTE 1 Samantha DUNN


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