resound bushfire appeal for instruments
The Music Council of Australia "Resound" program, in partnership with the Dandenong Ranges Music Council, is organising donations of musical instruments to musicians of all ages and ability who have lost instruments in the recent Victorian bushfires. They have received many offers of instruments but want to make sure that real need is met with good quality instruments, suited to the musicians who will be using them.

If you have lost a musical instrument due to the fires, please click on the link to fill out the form.
If you know of someone who has been affected in this way, please forward this information to them so that they can access the form.
All applications will be considered and it’s intended to start replacing instruments as soon as possible.
If you have a spare instrument kicking around gathering dust, perhaps it’s time to donate it to this most worthy cause.
Labels: bushfire, instruments, music, resound
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