oxfam world music café on again
For the second year Oxfam Australia (Dandenong Ranges Group) is presenting World Music Café to support Oxfam's ongoing campaigning and aid program.
World Music Café is being held in conjuction with The Basin Music Festival next Saturday 21st March,2009 between 4:30pm and 7:30pm.
The performance is local, inexpensive, a family-friendly timeslot and truly multicultural entertainment.
The group is again partnering with both the Festival and The Basin's Hindu temple for both performance and supper catering. As well as Hindu dancers and the fabulous Vox Congo, there will be singers from Burma, Che Pena a capella group and Charmaine Schmidt's Welcome Singers.

Phone Charmaine on 9762 2104 for tickets or just turn up at St Bernadettes hall on the day.
Labels: basin music festival, oxfam world music cafe, vox congo
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