Today I marched with around 4,000 other Victorians from the State Library to Treasury Gardens to highlight to the federal government how flawed Kevin Rudd’s CPRS scheme is. There were many familiar and local faces amongst rally goers and it was good to see that people from all walks of life are concerned about state and federal government inaction on climate change.
It is always good to see Bob Brown visiting Melbourne.
The Yarra Valley Climate Action Group were there, travelling from the Yarra Valley to show their concern about the CPRS and man made global warming created from greenhouse gas emissions.
Cr Sam Gaylard from the City of Yarra was there.
This is me pictured with the Ashburner/Reid family from the Dandenong Ranges.
Seasoned climate campaigner Janet Rice was there.
Cam Walker from Friends of the Earth was there with his son.
Bob Brown led the march to the Melbourne Town Hall where the ALP were holding their state conference.
Cr Lynette Kelleher from the City of Casey was marching.
Ian Rainbow, dedicated environmental volunteer with Friends of Glenfern Valley, Upwey marching to Treasury Gardens.
The Sherbrooke Community School are very passionate about environmental issues, it was terrific to see them at today’s rally.
The Greens were proud supporters of today’s rally, here I am pictured with Geelong Green, Tory and Steve Meacher of the Healesville Greens. Steve is also chairperson of Healesville Environment Watch and was the driving force behind the establishment of local climate group in Healesville, C4.
The South West Greens were there highlighting forest issues, deforestation accounts for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
David Spratt, co-author of Climate Code Red, standing outside the ALP State Conference. David has also been working on a significant climate project, Safe Climate Australia, a not-for-profit group dedicated to planning the transition to a zero-carbon economy.
Safe Climate Australia has been formed by a group of concerned climate scientists, community and business leaders with a shared understanding of the need for emergency action to restore a safe climate.
Safe Climate Australia will be officially launched at an event for 1000 invited guests in Melbourne on July 13, with a keynote speech from Nobel Prize winner, Al Gore.
Safe Climate Australia is aiming to deepen community understanding about both the scientific imperatives that demand action at great speed, and about how we can plan the rapid transition to a zero-carbon economy. If you’d like to know more visit Safe Climate Australia. Labels: climate code red, climate emergency rally, melbourne
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