aunty dot honoured
It was wonderful to join in the celebration of the twenty amazing women who were added to the Victorian Honour Roll of Women for 2011. I was invited to attend as VLGA president.
The event honours women who have made a difference in their sphere and coincides with International Women's Day celebrations. I was impressed by the diversity of work and advocacy, with women recognised for social justice work, education, health, the arts, multiculturalism, indigenous affairs to name a few.
Aunty Dot is a respected Aboriginal Elder and has worked tirelessly for many years raising awareness of indigenous issues and strengthening the community.
For over 20 years Aunty Dot has been teaching the art of traditional basket weaving at TAFEs, Museum Victoria, festivals, community organisations and more locally at Burrinja and Belgrave Survival Day.
In 2002 Aunty Dot won the Arts Red Ochre Award, which recognises outstanding contribution to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island arts and culture. She was also awarded with the Victorian Aboriginal Women's Award in the same year, whilst in 2010 she won the National Aborigines and Islanders day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) Elders Award.
All of the Victorian Honour Roll for Women recipients are remarkable women, who have given much back to their communities. It was truly an inspiring night.
Labels: aunty dot, cr samantha dunn, victorian honour roll for women
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