The fifth Belgrave Lantern Parade was once again a great success. People came out in their thousands to watch the parade or walk in the parade.
The parade always kicks off with live music in downtown Belgrave, here's the Mater Christi band getting people in the mood for a festival.
The firetwirlers are a wonderful addition to the parade.
The Shire of Yarra Ranges are great supporters of the Lantern Parade, so are the Belgrave Bendigo Bank. Pictured with me is bank manager, Charmaine Jeffries.
Here's myself and Bob Clarke from the Dandenong Ranges Emergency Relief Service, DRERS were out collecting for their latest fundraiser. DRERS want to be able to fund a van to pick up food from the Victorian Food Bank to enable them to better assist those more needy in our community.
Rudy, the one man band, provided much entertainment along the parade route.
This whale lantern was a stunning creation.
Another wonderful lantern, this festival brings out the creative spirit of the hills community.Labels: 2011, belgrave lantern festival, cr samantha dunn, shire of yarra ranges
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