It was terrific to attend the 're-launch' of the Friends of Belgrave lake Park this weekend.
The park contains some very significant vegetation as well as the Monbulk Creek and provides an important wildlife corridor link from the Dandenongs to Lysterfield.
Here I am pictured with Vicki Boyle, Vice President of the Southern Dandenongs Landcare Group and Garrique Pergl, President of the Southern Dandenongs Community Nursery, both of them environmental powerhouses of enthusiasm and knowledge about our local environment.
Part of the day's activities included some revegetation along the banks of the Monbulk Creek. It will be terrific to watch this replanting take hold and create a healthier habitat for our wildlife as well as provide important bank stabilisation.

Belgrave Lake Park provides some vital habitat for water birds in the area, significant willow eradication by Melbourne Water has seen a great improvement in the health of the creek and lake.
The Shire of Yarra Ranges has been undertaking major weed removal works on the land between Monbulk Creek and private land holdings (on the high side). It's terrific to see indigenous plants return as the weeds that were strangling them are removed.
Belgrave Lake Park has some important large old hollow bearing trees, they provide important habitat for animals that need hollows to make a home.
The Shire of Yarra Ranges supports over 85 Landcare and Friends of Groups. They do great work to enhance our natural environment. If you'd like to know more about your local Landcare or Friends of Group click here.
Labels: belgrave lake park, cr samantha dunn, garrique pergl, southern dandenongs community nursery, southern dandenongs landcare, vicki boyle
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