rowville rail - tell government what you think

The Eastern Transport Coalition is encouraging community members to respond to the Rowville Rail Study Stage 1 Draft Report.
But don't delay, submissions are due 27 April.
You can get a copy of the draft report or the executive summary here.
The Rowville Rail was first planned in 1969 and is still undelivered. A study undertaken by the Knox City Council in 2004 showed that Rowville Rail could carry 2,350 passengers per hour, effectively removing an entire lane of traffic off the Monash Freeway. With connecting bus services the Rowville Rail could service around 100,000 residents as well as thousands of students at Monash University.
Now is the time for you to make sure the Rowville Rail Study team know what you think about the draft report.
You can use the online feedback form here, email or mail to Rowville Rail Study, PO Box 312, Flinders Lane, Melbourne 8009.
For some history on Rowville Rail you can click here for my blog archive.
Labels: cr samantha dunn, eastern transport coalition, etc, public transport, rowville rail
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