the local greens candidates
Greens Councillor and Deputy Mayor of Yarra Ranges - me, Greens Lead Senate Candidate - Richard Di Natale and Greens Candidate for Latrobe - Bree Taylor in the main street of Belgrave
Now we're at the pointy end of the election campaign, less than a week to go, watch the major parties go the negative campaign with great deal of me-tooing along the way. However you'll see none of this from The Greens. The party who has been concerned since its inception about climate change and has always been concerned about long term sustainable solutions locally and globally.
Who are the local candidates?
Running as the Greens lead candidate for the Senate for Victoria is Richard Di Natale. I have met Richard on a number of occasions, he has taken the time to travel to the Dandenongs numerous times to listen to local concerns, he would be an outstanding senator for the people Victoria. So remember when you're filling out your senate ballot paper (the large white paper) put a '1' in column U to vote for the Greens in the Senate. If you want to find out more about Richard visit
Running for the electorate of Latrobe is Bree Taylor. Bree is passionate about the region, having grown up in Montrose she understands the sensitive environment of the Dandenongs. She is committed to tearing up WorkChoices legislation to bring fairness back into industrial relations, promoting energy efficiency measures and the utilisation of solar and other local renewable energy sources, advocating for federal assistance for an upgraded public transport system in the region and advocating for federal funding to improve the health of our National Parks and combat weed invasion. Bree is a great local candidate, remember to vote 1 for Bree on the House of Representatives Ballot paper (the smaller green one). For more info on Bree visit
Running for the electorate of Casey is Salore Craig. Salore has lived in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne for over 30 years. She has a clear understanding of both national and local issues. Of great concern to Salore is the issues of climate change and water-management. She is a great believer in tackling these issues at both a grassroots community level and through policy change from federal government. Salore is another passionate Greens candidate, very switched on, remember to vote 1 for Salore on the House of Reps Ballot paper. Visit for more info on Salore.
Me and Greens Candidate for McEwen - Steve Meacher
Running in the electorate of McEwen is Steve Meacher. Steve is committed to implementing local solutions to climate change. Steve has been concerned about global warming for over twenty years and recently became a founding member of c4 (Communities Combating Climate Crisis) in Healesville and of the Eastern Region Climate Action Network. He's a great advocate for the Greens and you should vote 1 for Steve on the House of Reps ballot paper. If you want to know more about Steve visit
and if you're having trouble getting your head around the preferential voting system, this might help......
Labels: casey, federal election, Greens, latrobe, mcewen, richard di natale
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