report from the round table - 11th Nov

A diverse meeting this week at council although there were no items on the agenda that directly affected the Lyster Ward.
It was a pleasant surprise to see Frank Smith, President of MEEPA (Mt Evelyn Environment and Progress Association) submit to council.
Frank presented council with a beautiful photograph of a powerful owl as way to say thank you for our efforts in deciding the application for the Safeway Supermarket in Mt Evelyn. It is not often that councillors get public thanks and recognition for their efforts and it was very humbling to receive a personal thank you from MEEPA.
Frank gave special thanks to me, as I was the mover of the motion to oppose the application (see Yarra Ranges minutes). The Mt Evelyn Supermarket application was very controversial, in my view (and I stated this at the council meeting at the time) the application;
1. does not reflect the characteristics of the town
2. does not meet the standards or design objectives of the proposed DDO
3. does nothing to enhance the local urban character
4. is excessive and incompatible in a low scale residential context
5. I urge you to support the motion to refuse this most dreadful application
That night at council, back in May 2007, was one of those times as a councillor that I really felt I was making a difference in the Shire of Yarra Ranges. Council was vindicated in its decision which was upheld by VCAT some months later.
Cr Samantha Dunn
Greens candidate for Lyster
Caring for people, the
environment and
economic development
Labels: council meeting, mt evelyn supermarket, samantha dunn
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