what a big week it has been...
What a big week it has been, a lot of last minute meetings and functions, there hasn’t been a chance to do my regular blogspot ‘report from the round table’ or any other blog reports for that matter, but I will get there.

Today is my last day as Lyster Ward Councillor for this term. It has been a great three years and my thanks must go to all those people in the community who have been overwhelmingly supportive of me and what I have tried to achieve on behalf of the people of Lyster. There have been so many well wishers and I feel most humbled by your best wishes for me.

I must also thank my colleagues, for without their support no councillor can achieve what they set out to do, after all I am only 1 vote in 9. There has been plenty of robust debate but it’s all been in council chambers and none of us bear grudges or ill will. We have been a terrific working team and I appreciate the friendship and support I have received from fellow councillors.

Whatever happens on Election day I know I have done the best I possibly could for our community over the last three years and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.
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