The Queensland University of Technology and Victoria University are conducting a survey to find out what you think about the health of Victoria’s waterways, especially in your region.This survey is being conducted on behalf of the bodies responsible for the health of Victoria’s waterways; * Victoria's Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs)
* Melbourne Water and
* Victoria's Department of Sustainability and Environment.
I just completed the survey, it's well worth doing although I found it frustrating that my comments were limited to a couple of waterways only. In an area like the Dandenong Ranges which is abundant with many waterways it was difficult to know which ones to focus on...
According to QUT and VU the information provided in this survey will help Victorian government agencies to understand your views and take them into account when seeking to improve the health of Victoria’s waterways.
This is your opportunity to tell the government what you think about your local waterways, lets hope that they take your views into account.
Visit: to complete your survey. Labels: survey, waterways
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