burrinja bursting with talent
Today I went to the launch of Mapping - Territories and Landscape by Heather Fairnie at Burrinja. The exhibition explores the intersections of mapping across Western and Indigenous art traditions and includes works by Heather and works from the Burrinja Indigenous Collection.

Heather says her works depict imagined landmarks as marks without location, without history, yet they are marks that assimilate a location. Looking at her work is like looking at imagined landscapes from an aeroplane. It is quite intriguing and well worth a visit.
At the same time I bumped into Emma Johnson, artist in residence at Burrinja, who is working on her exhibition, Another Dead Possum. Emma is creating her work during the exhibition with work space set up in the corner of the gallery. Emma has also created a giant laughing blackboard face where community members are encouraged to draw whatever they are inspired to.

Feeling like a bit of face art, the Jarmbi Gallery at Burrinja is the place to do it. A celebration of Emma’s exhibition will be held 7:00pm on 31st July at Burrinja.
Labels: burrinja, emma johnson, heather fairnie
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