powered up from power shift
I caught up with Nerida and Jaymie earlier this week to talk to them about their experience up at Power Shift. Nerida and Jaymie are part of the Shire's young leaders program and I sponsored them to attend Power Shift (see blog) up in Sydney last weekend. The girls were very enthusiastic and had a great time with 1,150 other young people from across Australia. They were fired up ready to spread the word to young people across Yarra Ranges about climate change and a youth referendum on climate change.

In September the AYCC and World Vision will be holding the first ever youth climate vote, Youth Decide '09. Nerida and Jaymie talked about the campaign to get as many young people as possible to participate in a youth referendum so the results can be fed into United Nations climate change negotiations in Copenhagen later this year. Jaymie and Nerida are keen to get the message out there and are currently thinking about the best way to get to as many young people as they can.
I've heard that the group of students I funded from Sherbrooke Community School had an exceptional time at Power Shift and have come back thinking that Sherbrooke is ahead of many schools but they have to do more. The students are in the process of writing up a report, I look forward to reading how they went.

Power Shift participants will be encouraging young people to hold a voting events in schools, communities, universities, TAFE and the workplace.
Their enthusiasm was catching, I look forward to hearing how they progress and look forward to helping any way I can.
Labels: powershift, yarra ranges, youth decide 09
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