council supports constitutional recognition for indigenous peoples
report from the roundtable - 27 mar

At the last council meeting I put forward a motion to support the recommendations of the Expert Panel report into Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. I'm pleased to report that the motion was supported unanimously by council.
Yarra Ranges Council has been a leader in supporting its Indigenous community. We have the second largest population of Indigenous peoples in metropolitan Melbourne.
The first council to deliver a statement of apology in 1997, since that time we've worked to maintain an Indigenous voice on Indigenous issues. We think it's important to acknowledge and protect Indigenous cultural heritage, engage Indigenous young people and promote health and wellbeing amongst our Indigenous community. In 2006 we employed an Indigenous Development Officer and established an Indigenous Advisory Committee to advise council on Indigenous matters.
Given our history of commitment to reconciliation and strengthening the relationship between Indigenous and non Indigenous communities I thought it would be important and appropriate for council to support Constitutional Recognition.
Prior to me bringing the motion to council I spoke to our Indigenous Advisory Committee to seek their advice on the matter. I'm pleased to report the committee were very supportive of the motion.
The motion also seeks member councils of both the local government peak bodies, the VLGA and MAV, to endorse the recommendations of the Expert Panel into Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
I look forward to seeing more local governments support this important change to our constitution.
The motion:
That Council:
1. Welcomes the release of the Expert Panel report into Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and supports all of its recommendations.
2. Write to the MAV and the VLGA, endorsing the panel recommendations and requesting the MAV and VLGA member councils also endorse these recommendations.
Labels: constitutional recognition, cr samantha dunn, indigenous, shire of yarra ranges
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