food swap/buy/meet in upwey
It was great to catch up with Michelle Jones, dedicated convenor of Sherbrooke Community Harvest at the Yarra Ranges Thank You to Environmental Volunteers event.

Sherbrooke Community Harvest was formed to make people aware of food security, climate change and peak oil issues. They believe that all the resources are in the community to share knowledge, skills and resources to start addressing these issues.
A great initiative of Sherbrooke Community Harvest was to promote the issues of food security, climate change and peak oil by supplying $1,500 of DVDs to the Eastern Regional Libraries network of libraries.
Another great initiative is the Food/Swap/Buy/Meet in Main Street, Upwey (outside Magpie Cafe) from 10 - 11:30am. Locally grown chemical free fruit, vegetables, plants, seeds and seedlings are available to buy or swap. New stalls are always welcome. You can bring you home grown excess produce to swap-share-meet with with your local community. If you're interested in learning more or booking a stall email Or you can just turn up!
Food/Swap/Buy/Meets will take place:
April 28th
May 26th
June 30th
Labels: cr samantha dunn, food swap, michelle jones, sherbrooke community harvest, transition town, yarra ranges
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