Yarra Ranges community plants forest on parliament steps
Yarra Ranges residents and children will deliver a bleak warning to the Brumby government about logging in water catchments on Tuesday by ‘planting’ a five metre forest on the steps of State Parliament.
The forest, made from recycled paper and leaves measuring five metres in width and standing up to three metres high, has been constructed by Yarra Ranges community members concerned about logging in catchment areas and will be planted on the steps of Parliament House at 11am on Tuesday the 15th April.
The action has been planned to highlight the plight of Melbourne’s water catchment areas.
Trees are essential to the health of our water catchments and help increase water flow to catchments. As we watch the effects of climate change and severe drought conditions on our environment, we want the Brumby government to know the Yarra Ranges community is not happy about logging in our catchment areas.
Our message is simple – logging in our water catchments puts Melbourne’s water supply at risk. We want Mr Brumby to listen to our concerns and take action to ensure our forests and water supply are protected now.
The recycled paper forest was a collaboration of hundreds of community members from both the Yarra Ranges region and other parts of the state.
The recycled paper forest will leave by truck from the Upper Yarra Arts Centre in Warburton on Tuesday, 15 April at 9am before arriving at State Parliament at 11am. I look forward to seeing all concerned on the steps of Parliament.

Me and Cr Monika Keane with the recycled forest at the Mad Hatter's Tree Party in Warburton (March, 2008).
Labels: armstrong catchment, forest action, Greens, logging, logging water catchments
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