greens candidate for gembrook slams vcat
Last week Gordon Watson's selection as Greens candidate for Gembrook was announced at the Gembrook Market. Speaking at the announcement of his selection, Gordon Watson asked, "Why has VCAT overturned the Shire of Yarra Ranges' decision to block clear fell logging at Hoddles Creek?"
"The VCAT decision to allow the clear felling of 99 hectares at Hoddles Creek rides roughshod over community opinion".
"The State Government's current controls are clearly not good enough if VCAT can overturn a local Council decision that was made in the best interests of the community and in line with planning regulations," said Gordon Watson.
"That's why the Greens are needed in Spring Street to ensure communities are protected by adequate environment and planning controls."

Gordon Watson, left, is congratulated by Louis Delacretaz, the Greens Eastern Victoria Region Upper House lead candidate, at the Green's Gembrook District candidate launch at the Gembrook Market.

Rob Stephens, Candidate for Monbulk, Me (Greens Councillor Yarra Ranges Shire) and Gordon Watson, Candidate for Gembrook at the campaign launch.