oxfam fundraiser - selby community house
Come one, come all to the Oxfam Fundraiser to support two teams in the 2008 Oxfam Trailwalker.

Labels: oxfam fundraiser, oxfam trailwalker
Come one, come all to the Oxfam Fundraiser to support two teams in the 2008 Oxfam Trailwalker.
Labels: oxfam fundraiser, oxfam trailwalker
Labels: phone booths, public phone, telstra
Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances the Celebration of 100 Years of Women's vote event being held on the 29th March has had to be postponed. Watch this space for details of the new date. I'm sorry to all who were looking forward to it, but don't despair, it wont be long before a new date is announced.
Labels: etwa
In recognition of the efforts of Victoria’s suffragists and the contributions made by women in all areas of society, I along with my colleagues Cr's Monika Keane and Jeanette McCrae invite you to join in celebration for a night of fantastic food, fabulous entertainment and wonderful art. The event is a fundraiser for East Timor Women Australia and will feature East Timorese art, dancing and music.
Labels: etwa
Thursday 28th February
Labels: brumby, clearfelling, GE, geneethics, genetic engineering, gm free rally, GMO, logging water catchments
The issue of logging continues to grow across the upper yarra region of the shire, as a response to community concerns a petition has been developed.
Labels: armstrong catchment, cement creek catchment, logging water catchments