Saturday, July 31, 2010

route 694 questioned in parliament

It was good to hear Greens MLC and spokesperson for Public Transport, Greg Barber, raise the issue of Route 694 in parliament this week.

Mr Barber asked a question without notice to the Minister for Public Transport, Martin Pakula.

Regular readers will know there’s been a question mark over the future of Route 694 as it has been recommended for removal in the Yarra Ranges Bus Review.

Mr Barber directly asked the Minister “Can the minister confirm that the recommendation of the bus review that route 694 be removed is not going to be followed?”

The Minister’s response, “ I am advised -- and I will advise Mr Barber further if this is not the case, but I imagine that he would not expect me to have encyclopaedic knowledge of every bus route in Melbourne -- and my advice to him and to the Parliament is that despite that recommendation there are no changes envisaged to bus route 694 at the current time.”

No changes the current time....What does this mean, not before the election? How long is “the current time” and can residents truly feel reassured?

Of concern is another part of the Minister’s response “Equally there are other recommendations in the bus reviews that are not now or in the future ultimately accepted by the department.” This leads to more questions, what other recommendations outlined in the bus review might not be “ultimately accepted by the department”?

The bus reviews set a lot of expectations in our community that we would get improved services throughout the shire, it’s up to us to make sure those expectations are fulfilled.

If you’d like to read the entire transcript of the question without notice click

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Friday, July 30, 2010

all go for monbulk pool

report from the roundtable – 27 jul

I'm pleased to report this week that council resolved to allocate $4million towards the Monbulk Pool redevelopment project. The Shire had applied to the federal government for additional funds to complete the pool but were unsuccessful. It's a project I've been passionate about for some time, from the first meeting of the MAC Redevelopment Working Party back in September 2008 through to mid 2009 I've worked closely to hear the wants and needs of the community.

The Monbulk Pool is a very well loved facility, it has the third highest usage of pools in the Yarra Ranges (first is Yarra Junction and second is Kilsyth). So many kids in the Dandenong Ranges have learnt to swim in the Monbulk Pool. But there is no doubting it is tired and badly in need of an overhaul.

The redevelopment will enable much more programming at the pool. There are so many demands at the moment, the pool is at capacity and there is not enough water to go around! The completion of both stages one and two will see not only an additional pool built, but work completed on the dry area (gym) which means the pool will be far more financially sustainable into the future.

It is an exciting development and encompasses:

Stage 1 works (estimated to cost $6,150,000)

Refurbished 25m pool with wet deck and start bulkheads;
New learn to swim and leisure pool, including beach entry;
New male and female change room facilities;
New pool store and family change room;
New plant room;
New foyer administration and kiosk;
New outdoor deck area; and
Essential refurbishment to structure in the existing gym and childcare areas.

Stage 2 works (estimated to cost $1,061,000)
Minor refurbishment to stage 1 entry and administration;
New 2002m gymnasium including assessment room and store;
Minor refurbishment to existing gym space to convert to program/multipurpose room;
Car park expansion (25 spaces).

The community are keen to see it completed and I'm pleased to report that councillors unanimously supported the allocation of additional funds to the project. I look forward to being able to turn the first sod!

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

monbulk pool redevelopment will go ahead

stop press stop press stop press stop press

Good news - last night I successfully secured $4million from council's capital works budget to complete redevelopment works for the Monbulk Pool.

It's been a long journey but with a great end result.

More news soon.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

in the press - election promises!

Reserve clean-up promised
The Journal
by Gilbert Gardiner
27 Jul 2010

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

forest finds more friends

Yesterday I joined with many other speakers to talk about logging of forests in Yarra Ranges. I was invited to talk about the stance of the Yarra Ranges Council.

"Yarra Ranges is highly valued for its natural environment, it is of key importance to our community and comes up time and time again as one of the key reasons young and old alike love living in Yarra Ranges. Our natural environment attracts millions of visitors every year."

Around 50 community members came out to hear speakers talk from their various perspectives. We heard about the potential for the native timber industry to fully transition to plantation, the impact logging has on biodiversity, the importance of a rigorous assessment process for certification, the perspective of VicForests, the political perspective at a local and state level. The question and answer session was robust and I'm sure if it was possible people would have stayed longer to really understand the complexity of the issues.

I gave the audience a history of Yarra Ranges council motions in relation to logging in our forests.

27th November, 2007
I moved the following motion:

That Council supports a public statement opposing logging of water catchments in Yarra Ranges, and further that Council also makes representation to the Premier, the Minister for Environment and Minister for Water, and I propose that the statement is:
The Shire of Yarra Ranges does not support logging in water catchments.
Council recognises that:
1. Logging has a dramatic and detrimental effect on water yield in catchments.
2. Young re-growth trees need more water to grow thus releasing less water into catchments.
3. Logging reduces stream flow and yields to water catchments.

4. It takes 150 years for water yields to return to their pre logged status.
5. It is poor water policy to continue to log our water catchments.
6. Logging of water catchments adversely affects water quality through increasing sediment as does road construction through logging coupes.
We urge the government to consider a policy of no logging in water catchments.

The motion was supported unanimously by the Yarra Ranges councillors.

"If our government stopped logging all our catchments tomorrow we would gain 18 gigalitres of water a year, that's 18 billion litres of water returned to Melburnians every year."

17th October, 2008
At the MAV (Municipal Association of Victoria) State Conference the Shire of Yarra Ranges put up a motion to oppose logging in Melbourne's Water Catchments. The motion was supported 53% for and 47% against.

The MAV is the peak representative and advocacy body for Victoria's 79 councils. The wording of the Yarra Ranges motion to put to The MAV was:
That the following statement, adopted at the Council meeting held on 27 November, 2007, namely:
"The Shire of Yarra Ranges does not support logging in water catchments.
Council recognises that:...(points 1 to 6 - see motion above)......

be presented to the next meeting of the MAV State Council requesting its support in making representations to the State Government in opposition to logging in Melbourne's water catchments.

23rd November, 2008

The Our Forests Our Water Our Climate Our Future rally was held in Warburton in response to the proposed logging of Cement Creek. The day before the rally I heard through Tammy Lobato's office that there was to be no logging of Cement Creek in 2008. This was a hollow victory, there has been no commitment to truly protect Cement Creek, now or into the future.

Cement Creek is a forest with considerable tracts of high conservation old growth forest, precious for its lead beaters possum habitat, it includes a site of aboriginal significance and not to mention its value as a carbon store.

Steve Meacher – President of HEWI, not only spoke, but MC'd the event too.

24th March, 2010
I heard through my role as chairperson of the Yarra Ranges Environment Advisory Committee that more logging coupes were being proposed for the central highlands.

Once alerted to the amendments I moved the following motion:
That council forwards a submission to Vic Forests with regard to the proposed Harvesting Plan Amendments in the Timber Release Plan 2010 before the 8th April, 2010, expressing its concern about the proposed 148 additional coupes and road lines within the central highlands region.

And that copies of the submission be forwarded to The Hon. Gavin Jennings MP, Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Mr Greg Wilson - Secretary DSE, Mr Kevin Love - DSE Deputy Secretary, Public Land Stewardship and Biodiversity, Mr Michael Crutchfield MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Water & Environment Ms Tammy Lobato MP, Member for Gembrook and Mr Ben Hardman MP, Member for Seymour.

The motion was won.

Other speakers on the day included (from left to right) Nathan Trussel – VicForests, Chris Taylor – member Forest Stewardship Council, Sarah Rees – My Environment, myself – Yarra Ranges councillor, Bernie Mace – Save Mt St Leonards group, Christian Nielsen – Warburton local, Lindsay Hesketh – ACF, Adam Menary – My Environment. Other speakers not pictured include Steve Meacher – President of HEWI and Greens Candidate for McEwen, Keith Sarah – Warburton Environment and Tammy Lobato MP for Gembrook.

8th June, 2010
In response to logging on the Bicentennial Trail and Mt St Leonard in Toolangi, Cr McRae moved the following motion:

That Council write to Mr Ben Hardman MP, the Minister for Agriculture, Mr Joe Helper, the Minister for Environment, Mr Gavin Jennings and the Premier, Mr Brumby, calling for an immediate halt to current logging and any future logging proposed on the Bicentennial Trail and Mt St Leonards due to significant adverse
impacts on the local economy, tourism features and the environment.

In speaking to the motion I talked about the importance of Mt St Leonards and the Bicentennial Trail to tourism and biodiversity in the shire. The Bicentennial Trail is a significant tourism icon not only to Yarra Ranges, but to Victoria and Australia. Whilst Mt St Leonard is an iconic mountain in the shire providing a backdrop to the Yarra Valley and plays a key role, not only to tourism but biodiversity as well.

The motion was supported unanimously.

June, 2010

More recently we have heard that two coupes in Toolangi have been taken off the timber release plan for the next year – once again a hollow victory, it is not time to celebrate it is time to lobby hard to get these precious places protected in perpetuity.

Yarra Ranges contains significant areas of remnant native vegetation, much of which is botanically and zoologically significant, providing important habitat for wildlife.

The Shire, and in particular the 'Yarra Valley', is gaining local and international recognition as a fine food and wine producing area. Each year, over 2.2 million tourists visit the area. Tourism, a key growth area for Yarra Ranges generates $381 million per annum or 4.22% of our $9.019 billion economy.

As a council we don't think the government should be allowing the ongoing destruction of our native forests in the Toolangi region or in Melbourne's water catchments. We hold grave concerns on the impact of our tourism industry and Melbourne's ongoing water supply.

The Yarra Ranges Council sees our strength is preserving our environment, to encourage even greater visitation rates, it is our natural beauty that attracts people to the region.

The Shire contains some of the most environmentally important areas in Victoria, which are a significant factor in attracting residents and tourists.

We do not want to see our greatest assets squandered for woodchips. It is time to get out of our water catchments and get out of our native forests.

Our community's future lies in tourism not wasted in woodchips.

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

route 694 – we need to be reassured

report from the roundtable – 13 jul

At the last council meeting I raised the issue of bus route 694. There are some inconsistencies between what our local MP is saying and what the recently released Yarra Ranges Bus Service review is recommending. Whilst a newspaper article reports the route is staying the bus review is clear in its intent that the route will be removed.

Route 694 - staying or going?

In order to get some clarity and assurances for our community I moved the following motion.

That council write to the Minister for Public Transport, Martin Pakula, to confirm

1) Whether the Yarra Ranges Bus Service Review recommendation to remove Route 694 is correct;
2) Should Route 694 be removed, clarify the timelines for the removal of the service;
3) Clarify what is meant in real time by short, medium and long term timeframes as referred to in the review.

In April 2010 the government released the findings of the Yarra Ranges Bus Service Review. The review was extensive and detailed changes to bus services throughout the Shire of Yarra Ranges. Most of the recommendations included enhancement of services and new services over the short, medium and long term throughout the Yarra Ranges Shire. However in one case the recommendation was to delete a service, being Route 694, Olinda to Belgrave via Sherbrooke Road.

I had further concerns around the timing of recommendations. The Implementation plan refers to a short timeframe for changes to route 694 (and route 688), although the implementation plan refers to a short timeframe, the implementation table indicates it is a medium need.

This is currently the only public transport option offered along Sherbrooke Road, from Kallista through to Ferny Creek, and its cancellation would disenfranchise residents along this road, residents travelling between the two townships, students who utilise the service to get to Sherbrooke Community School and tourists. Should the recommended changes be implemented per the bus service review, residents who want to travel from Belgrave to Olinda via bus would have to do so via Upper Ferntree Gully, adding many kilometres and minutes to the journey.

I moved the motion to seek council's endorsement to ask for clarification from the Minister for Transport, our community needs some surety about this one because what our local MP is saying is in direct conflict with what the bus review is saying.

Councillors supported the motion unanimously.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

championing for women

report from the roundtable – 13 jul

2010 is the Year of Women in Local Government. The Victorian Women's Participation in Local Government Coalition is seeking the support of councils to formally endorse and recognise the Victorian Local Government Women's Charter as one of the activities being undertaken in recognition of women in 2010.

I was pleased to be nominated as 'charter champion' and be the Yarra Ranges advocate for the Charter's implementation and to encourage the participation of councillors, officers and the community in local events.

I look forward to being able to recognise and celebrate the achievements of women in local government and raise awareness of the contribution women make to local government. I also think it is important to provide opportunities for growth and development for all women regardless of circumstance and will be ensuring that Yarra Ranges continues to support women in their endeavours.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

on the nose

report from the roundtable – 13 jul

At the last council meeting we had to consider an application by ANL to amend their planning permit and site layout, as well as construction of new buildings at the composting facility in Coldstream.

Over many years the compost facility has cast a shocking odour over the long suffering residents of Coldstream and Lilydale.

I seconded the motion to refuse the application. Council had no choice but to refuse the application as the EPA has objected to the current application.

Green waste composting is a really good thing to do as long as you get it right, but on this site it's anything but right. Since its operation the facility operators have made no genuine attempt to reduce the impact on the community.

The EPA reports that it has no confidence in the applicant's proposal. The EPA goes on to say that for the last three and a half years this site has continually been at the top of the list of community complaints and the EPA have received more than 2,500 reports of odour from the company's operations during that time.

The EPA was very clear in its determination that the proposal did not use best practice technology and didn't have adequate buffers to prevent off site odour impact.

It is not supportable, council didn't support it and refused the application unanimously, which I suspect would have happened regardless of the EPA's objection.

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why can’t we get 50kph in selby?

report from the roundtable – 13 jul

I continue to be frustrated by the lack of action by Minister for Roads, Tim Pallas to Shire requests to get 50kph speed limits in a number of our towns.

A recent bingle in Selby reminded me that this continues to be an issue that puts pedestrians and motorists at risk.

Selby is a town, that although small and without an expansive retail component, has much activity going on. There's school kids, parents, a kindergarten, a GP & pathology, General Store, Bus Stop and a bit of retail/cafe too. The sight lines of the town make it extremely challenging for pedestrians with cars either hurtling around the bend and down the hill towards Belgrave or accelerating around a bend up the hill towards Emerald.

We hear a lot of messaging from government about slowing down, reducing the road toll and improving the safety of our roads, but for years and years the Shire has been actively trying to get 50kph zones all to no avail.

Once again Vic Roads are reviewing their guidelines in relation to the Shire of Yarra Ranges, let's hope it happens and we get 50kph before someone is killed.

How many minor scrapes, near misses and bingles do we have to endure before something is done? Time to stop dragging the chain on this one.

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in the press - fighting for lower speed limits

Lower speeds considered for towns in the Dandenongs
Free Press Leader
by Kimberley Seedy
22 ‎Jul 2010‎

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

in the press - losing our heritage

`Historic' Tecoma house set to be demolished
Leader News
by Kimberley Seedy
21 ‎Jul 2010‎

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in the press - buses in the dandenongs

Move to introduce community bus in the Dandenongs
Free Press Leader
by Kimberley Seedy
21 ‎Jul 2010‎

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communities are winners

It was terrific to be able to preside over the Shire of Yarra Ranges Community Grants Award night last week. A great night, very well attended, it’s an opportunity for grant recipients to chat to other groups about their experiences and be acknowledged for their specific projects.

Me with Tilla Buden from Burrinja, who auspice the Hillside Film Festival, an annual youth focussed film festival showcasing the best original short films from emerging Victorian filmmakers under 30.

This year was no exception, the projects were rich and diverse in the range of themes on offer, from providing for the needy through to conceptual art projects.

Me pictured with Julian from the Selby Community House. The house received a grant for a festival celebrating local artists and musicians with sub themes of community building and environmental sustainability.

The community grants program is made up of three different themes, community development, cultural development and festivals & events.

Rochelle Dennis, me and Marina Dennis representing BCAP and the Belgrave Lantern Festival. A wonderful community festival that goes from strength to strength.

It is a program that continues to be oversubscribed every year and this year we saw an overwhelming 83 applications lodged with 51 projects successfully accessing funding.

Farndons Hall received a grant to assist with their centenary celebrations. 1910 to 2010, a great history and quite a battle for survival too.

Grant recipients from the Dandenong Ranges include:
Belgrave Survival Day 2011
Dandenong Ranges Renewable Energy Association
Belgrave Lantern Parade
Hillside Film Festival
Farndon’s Hall centenary celebrations
Dandenong Ranges Music Council Kidzsongs
Tucker in the Tin Shed
See Through Me Skate Park Photo project
Selby Community House for a music and arts festival
Transition Towns Sherbrooke
Kallista Primary School Interlink program
Upwey Billy Cart Races

Bridget Gunn and me, Bridget's project Skater Nature is a photographic documentation of the Yarra Ranges skate parks and their inhabitants.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

in the press - replace hazelwood

Protest highlights power station
Mail Newspapers
by Tania Martin
20 Jul 2010

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in the press - heritage lost

History at home
Belgrave Mail
20 Jul 2010

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in the press - planning

Shadow on shed
Ferntree Gully, Belgrave Mail
by Tania Martin
20 Jul 2010

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in the press - planning

Planning leaves sawmill log jam
Upper Yarra Mail
by Kath Gannaway
20 Jul 2010

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

our disappearing forests community forum in warburton

Our disappearing forests...

why saving our forests means securing our future

A Community Forum with guest speakers and presenters,

sponsored by Warburton Environment


This forum is an opportunity for our local community to hear and be informed about what is happening and being planned for logging in our Central Highlands native forests from a range of perspectives, and what are the consequences for our community, our environment and our future industries.

Invited speakers include representatives from environmental groups, The Shire of Yarra Ranges, all major political parties and forest industry representatives.

Confirmed presenters include Steve Meacher (MC- Chairman Healesville Environment Watch), Christian Nielsen (Warburton Environment), Sarah Rees and Adam Menary (My Environment,) Samantha Dunn (Shire of Yarra Ranges, The Greens), Bernie Mace (Friends of Mt St Leonard) and Chris Taylor (architect).

Questions to be addressed include "should our native forests be logged for wood chips" and "what are the consequences of clear fell logging in the Central Highlands forests and Melbourne's water catchments?" How does this contribute to climate change, species extinction, carbon reduction and water conservation? What is the future for local industries, including tourism, logging and sustainable businesses?

For more info email

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Friday, July 16, 2010

support mission watoto australia

Movie night fundraiser coming up at the Cameo in Belgrave

Movie: Inception

Cost: Only $10 - tickets must be pre purchased at Earthly Pleasures (1627 Burwood Hwy, Belgrave or phone 9752 6744)

Where: Cameo Cinema, Belgrave

When: Thursday 29th of July, starting between 6:30pm and 7:15pm (still to be confirmed, check the Cameo website or ask the fine folk at Earthly Pleasures Cafe)


Mission Watoto Australia is a non-profit, non-denominational, volunteer group that organises and takes teams of volunteers to Uganda to help in constructing sustainable Watoto Villages. Their mission is to give orphan children hope and a future. Mission Watoto is the name chosen originally by a group of Australian childcare professionals. They were passionate about helping to house and educate some of the 1.8 million parentless and destitute children currently living in Uganda, Africa. Watoto is a Swahili word meaning "Children".

All proceeds raised go to Mission Watoto Australia

Supported by Cameo Cinema and Earthly Pleasures Organic Cafe.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

east ignored again in state transport funding

Once again the State Government has ignored public transport deficiencies in Melbourne’s east, following the announcement last week of two other transport projects totalling $9 billion.

The ETC's Monster Petition, over 13,500 signatures - what will it take to get the state government to listen to residents in the East?

The State Government’s announcement that $9 billion would be spent on the Regional Rail Link and Melbourne Metro, will be disappointing to residents of Melbourne’s eastern suburbs.

While more transport planning is desperately needed in the outer east, we keep seeing public transport funds being directed to the same electorates.

The Eastern Transport Coalition recently submitted a petition on behalf of more than one million residents in the east who want better transport options. It’s time the government stopped neglecting the east on transport policy.

The Shire of Yarra Ranges has been advocating for better public transport for the region for many years, calling for increased service frequency, extended operating hours, better public safety at railway stations and on trains, and improvements at bus stops.

Last month’s petition presented by the ETC called on the Victorian Government to address the significant gaps in the provision of and planning for public transport in Yarra Ranges Greater Dandenong, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash and Whitehorse.

This election year provides a perfect opportunity for this government to show that it is listening to the million or so residents east of Warrigal road who are forced to drive their cars to work because they have few viable alternatives.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

shrine travels to belgrave

It was terrific to be able officially open the History of the Shrine Travelling Exhibition at the Belgrave Library this week. I had the pleasure of welcoming Denis Baguley, CEO of the Shrine of Remembrance, to speak about the exhibition and the Shrine.

Me, pictured with Denis Baguley, CEO of the Shrine of Remembrance. It was great to have Denis share his extensive knowledge of the Shrine with locals at the opening.

Denis and I were joined by community members and the Eastern Regional Libraries CEO and staff at the opening. The exhibition has been touring around Victoria for the past three years and has another two years of touring due to overwhelming popularity.

The exhibition chronicles the overwhelming grief for the loss of 19,000 Victorians in World War I and also explores varied expressions of past and present community attitudes towards events such as ANZAC Day and the Vietnam War.

There are some amazing images, spanning more than 80 years, as well as two audio visual displays with original footage from 1934 to 1954. It's terrific to have this exhibition locally, I encourage to have a look when you're next visiting the Belgrave Library.

The History of the Shrine Travelling Exhibition will be at the Belgrave Library for the next four weeks.

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

more accreditation accolades for sherbrooke children’s centre

Good news - Sherbrooke Children's Centre, council's long day care centre, has received notification that the service has achieved an overall high quality accreditation rating from the National Childcare Accreditation Council (NCAC). The NCAC is the body which the Australian government uses to assess the quality of childcare services nationwide.

Sherbrooke Children's Centre achieved high quality ratings in all of the seven quality areas and received particular commendation for their commitment to maintaining equitable practices that respect individual needs, promote children's self esteem and confidence and in providing a responsive and inclusive program for children.

It is great news and shows that this service is committed to the early years and local families who use the centre. I have long been passionate about the centre and fought hard to ensure it survived a push by the council of the day to close it (even before I was a councillor – see blog).

This latest accreditation continues the recognition that Sherbrooke Children's Centre has gained since the inception of the quality assurance and improvement system was initiated in 1994.

It won't be long before details plans are completed for Sherbrooke Family and Children's Centre and council can call for tenders to see the centre extended (see blog).

I look forward to seeing the children's hub project start, it is one I have fought for on behalf of our community over many years.

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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

in the press – belgrave infrastructure upgrades

Big upgrades in store for Belgrave

Free Press Leader

By Kimberley Seedy
7 Jul 2010

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new belgrave roundabout getting closer

We're about to seek tenders for a roundabout at the intersection of Belgrave-Gembrook Road, Bayview Road, Old Monbulk Road and the Belgrave Railway Station.

The project is jointly funded between the Federal Government's Auslink Strategic Regional Program and the Shire of Yarra Ranges.

Works will include the installation of a roundabout at the intersection to improve traffic congestion in the area, particularly during afternoon peak times when traffic volumes increase around the train station car park.

It's an extremely busy intersection with traffic from Mater Christi College, Puffing Billy, the CFA, local shops and the train station.

The roundabout will make it much easier and safer for motorists entering and exiting the side roads around the intersection, and will also assist in reducing traffic speeds so that pedestrians can cross Belgrave-Gembrook Road more safely. It will also make it easier for buses to exit the railway station car park bus interchange as well.

A specialist traffic engineering consultant was hired to carry out a detailed traffic modelling analysis of the intersection to ensure the new roundabout did not adversely affect the existing roundabout in the Main Street.

The study showed that the two roundabouts will operate well together and improve afternoon traffic congestion.

Tenders for the new roundabout close in August. Work on the project is expected to begin later this year.

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

in the press – logging in yarra ranges

Forest industry builds its case

Lilydale Yarra Valley Leader

By Emily Webb

6 Jul 2010

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Monday, July 05, 2010

in the press – water bottling in the don valley

Plea to go with flow

Have your say

Lilydale and Yarra Valley Leader

by Alex Munro

5 Jul 2010

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Sunday, July 04, 2010

belgrave pool car park improvements

Work is underway on car park improvements at the Belgrave Swimming Pool.

The $80,000 project will include the construction of indented parking along Best Street outside the swimming pool, and a new footpath to run from the carpark to the pool entrance.

The work will address drainage and maintenance issues at the carpark, which previously had a crushed rock surface.

The carpark will be sealed and formalised to create 20 car spaces including one disabled parking bay whilst the bus stop will be relocated to the end of the car park, making the area safer and more accessible for all visitors to the pool.

Works are expected to be complete by August in time for the next swimming season.

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Saturday, July 03, 2010

belgrave ‘replace hazelwood’ event

Be part of the July 17, Hazelwood National Day of Action

Saturday July 17

10.30AM to 11 AM only

Meet in front of Safeway Belgrave (Main St. Belgrave)

Me pictured with Greens Senator Scott Ludlum outside Hazelwood Power Station in 2009.

Please bring your own folding chair and if possible, a 'Replace Hazelwood' sign. You definitely need a chair for this unique and very brief event.

If you'd like to know more email

Please come if you are concerned about Climate Change.

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