It was great to be invited to chair the Southen Dandenongs Landcare Group AGM for 2010. I never cease to be amazed by the activities of this group of dedicated volunteers.
It's the group's third year as an umbrella group for environmental volunteers who look after the Southern Dandenongs region. 2010 has seen some great work from the group including:
A landcare award for Vicki Boyle for Volunteers Working on Public Land
Meet the candidates night for the federal election
Weed assessments project to assist residents
A regular stall at the monthly Kallista Market
Stalls at Selby Primary school and the Upwey Grassroots market
Hosting the Sherbrooke Transition Towns group to run a website workshop
Participating on the Birdsland Master Plan reference group
Coordinating the launch of Friends of Birdsland (early next year)
A myriad of environmental courses covering all manner of topics
The Awesome Ornithorhynkids Day at Belgrave Lake Park
Launching the Visual Platypus Monitoring Program of Monbulk Creek
Not to mention weeding, planting, attending network meetings!
The SDLG executive for 2011, from left to right: Cr Samantha Dunn, Lyn Young - Treasurer, Anne Elizabeth - Vice President, Jackie Glen - President and Vicki Boyle - Secretary. These people put in countless volunteer hours to improve our local environment.
I'm pleased to announce the committee for this year is:
President: Jackie Glen
Vice President: Anne Elizabeth
Treasurer: Lyn Young
Secretary: Vicki Boyle
General members:
Jillian Anderson
Lesley Wilson
Darcy Duggan
Bernadette Sakini
Congratulations to all, you are a committed and enthusiastic bunch and I look forward to working with you in the year ahead.
Labels: cr samantha dunn, southern dandenongs landcare