merry christmas and best wishes for 2010

The bush has also undergone its own recovery, existing plants regenerating whilst some surprising newcomers have appeared as a response to fire.
Labels: 2009, cr samantha dunn, merry christmas
Labels: 2009, cr samantha dunn, merry christmas
report from the roundtable – 22 dec
Labels: neighbourhood safer place, nsp, places of last resort, yarra ranges
Labels: alex webb, fitness track, monbulk
report from the roundtable – 8 dec
Labels: childrens hub, samantha dunn, sherbrooke childrens centre, upwey
Labels: belgrave, mural, samantha dunn
On Monday I was a witness at the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission. I was there to give evidence about the process of designating Neighbourhood Safer Places in the Shire of Yarra Ranges.
Labels: bushfire, royal commission, samantha dunn, yarra ranges
I recently joined with concerned residents to walk through the Pines Flora and Fauna Reserve in Frankston. The Pines is one of the reserves impacted on by the construction of “Peninsula Link”.
Labels: eastern victoria, Greens, samantha dunn
Local secondary school, Sherbrooke Community School supported the walk. Here I am pictured with student Jordan Crooka and Teacher, Davey Heller.
Action on Climate Change is something I will continue to pursue through the Shire of Yarra Ranges. Our reversion back to coal fired electricity was a backwards step for our shire and it is important that our actions go beyond what we currently do. I will be advocating for greater action on climate change. We all have our role to play and so do all tiers of government.
Local Transition Towners from Sherbrooke were out in force.
Get Up are sending hundreds of photos to Copenhagen like this one to urge governments to come back home with a climate treaty. Linda Laos and I were pleased to assist.
Labels: melbourne, samantha dunn, walk against warming
Friday night saw the annual Carols in the Park in Belgrave. Around 200 people came out to listen to local artists perform carols and original songs. Children were entertained by story telling and a rendition of the 12 days of Cricket (Christmas).
Labels: belgrave, carols by candelight
Labels: neighbourhood safer place, nsp, royal commission, samantha dunn
report from the roundtable – 8 dec
Labels: neighbourhood safer place, nsp, places of last resort, samantha dunn, yarra ranges
report from the roundtable – 8 dec
Labels: neighbourhood safer place, nsp, places of last resort, samantha dunn, yarra ranges
It has been a great time touring through the shire with the Eastern Transport Coalition’s Monster Petition.
Labels: eastern transport coalition, monster petition, yarra ranges
Carols in Belgrave is on Friday 11th December in the Belgrave Town Park.
Labels: belgrave, carols by candelight