samantha in the press - environment
Trees planted for platy-push
Mail Newspapers
by Russell Bennett
31 May 2011

Labels: belgrave heights, christian school, cr samantha dunn, melbourne water, ribbons of green, shire of yarra ranges
Trees planted for platy-push
Labels: belgrave heights, christian school, cr samantha dunn, melbourne water, ribbons of green, shire of yarra ranges
Train tells the story of steam
Labels: cr samantha dunn, early learning, erl, puffing billy, shire of yarra ranges
Hard road to reconciliation
Labels: aunty dot, cr samantha dunn, reconciliation week
It was wonderful to celebrate the start of Reconcilation Week with a luncheon in Healesville. An annual event on the calendar, it's wonderful to catch up with community members and elders.
Labels: aunty dot, cr samantha dunn, reconciliation week, yarra ranges
Labels: cr samantha dunn, early learning, eastern regional libraries, erl, puffing billy
No home for help
Labels: cr samantha dunn, homeless, homelessness, shire of yarra ranges
Ever wondered who you should call to report tagging on public buildings or assets, this list might assist.
Labels: graffiti, tagging, yarra ranges
Yarra Ranges face 6.9 per cent rate rise
Labels: 2011/12, budget, shire of yarra ranges
Labels: 2011, art show, Belgrave CFA
Readers will recall that at the council meeting on the 27th April, I moved the Ethical Paper Pledge motion which was supported by a majority vote of council. Council has since gone on to sign the pledge which is a public statement of commitment not to purchase paper with native forest content.
Labels: ethical paper pledge, vicforests, yarra ranges
Labels: brent dakis, cj baxter, cr samantha dunn, dandenong ranges, joy serwylo, kirsten laken, limerence, open studios
Earlier this week I visited the Dandenong Ranges Emergency Relief Service to talk about a whole range of issues. I am always inspired by the people who bring this service to disadvantaged and vulnerable people in our community. They are committed to assisting people and volunteer countless hours doing so.
Labels: cr samantha dunn, dandenong ranges emergency relief service, drers
It was terrific to join with the students of Belgrave Heights Christian School, Southern Dandenongs Landcare, Melbourne Water and the Shire of Yarra Ranges in a major planting of the riparian area of Monbulk Creek. The project is part of the Melbourne Water Stream Frontages program.
Labels: belgrave heights, christian school, cr samantha dunn, melbourne water, shire of yarra ranges, southern dandenongs landcare
Rates rise for roads
Labels: budget, landfill levy, yarra ranges
Library closure rebuff
Labels: cr samantha dunn, library, lilydale
Preparations are well and truly underway for the 2011 Lantern Parade in Belgrave. A wonderful community event, it goes to from strength to strength every year.
Labels: belgrave lantern festival, cr samantha dunn, workshop
Extra trains - Maroondah commuters hope for reliability
Labels: belgrave line, cr samantha dunn, eastern transport coalition, etc, lilydale line, public transport
There's a couple of great events coming up at the Belgrave Library in May, 2011.
Labels: belgrave library, stephen wilson, toni jordan, yarra ranges
Labels: 2011, burrinja, cr samantha dunn, dandenong ranges, open studios
Labels: cr samantha dunn, lilydale, regional museum, yarra ranges
It was wonderful to join with colleagues from across the state under the banner of the Australian Local Government Women's Association Victorian Branch in Ballarat.
Labels: algwa, bill mcarthur, cr samantha dunn, kate lempriere, victoria, vlga
report from the roundtable - 10 may
Labels: 2011, budget, cr samantha dunn, yarra ranges
report from the roundtable - 10 may
Labels: c97, cr samantha dunn, housing strategy, neighbourhood character study, yarra ranges
Tecoma McProtest upsizes
Labels: cr samantha dunn, mcdonalds, tecoma
Labels: affordable housing, cr samantha dunn, vlga
Bus stop comfort boost fails to impress
Labels: cr samantha dunn, eastern transport coalition, public transport
Breast feeding for at least six months has been shown to provide health benefits for Mother and baby and has been proven to reduce the risk of obesity in children.
Labels: cr samantha dunn, lactation clinic, monbulk, yarra ranges
Labels: community house, cr samantha dunn, kallista, yarra ranges
Labels: cr samantha dunn, mcdonalds, shire of yarra ranges, tecoma, tvag
US-inspired elections planned for Victorian mayoral vote
Labels: cr samantha dunn, vlga
The Metropolitan Waste Management Group is organising a Melbourne wide free e-waste collection on the weekend of 14-15 May, 2011.
Labels: collection, cr samantha dunn, e-waste, lilydale, yarra ranges
Labels: doncaster rail, eastern transport coalition, etc, grade separations, public transport, rowville rail, yarra ranges
Shire seeks heritage overlay for 42 properties
Labels: belgrave, cr samantha dunn, heritage, lilydale, shire of yarra ranges
Fears for possum's fate
Labels: cr samantha dunn, ethical paper pledge, leadbeaters possum, logging, shire of yarra ranges
Do you agree with Yarra Ranges Council ban of Reflex paper?
Labels: cr samantha dunn, ethical paper pledge, logging, shire of yarra ranges
It was wonderful to join with local families in the 2011 Monbulk Aquatic Club presentation night.
Labels: cooper bass, cr samantha dunn, Monbulk aquatic club, monbulk pool