container deposit legislation
report from the roundtable - 28th April
Tonight's meeting was the deadline to submit resolutions to the upcoming Municipal Association of Victoria State Council meeting in May, 2009. The MAV is an association that advocates on behalf of municipalities throughout Victoria and if a resolution is supported by a majority of councils at the MAV state council then these matters are those that the MAV will advocate on for the local government sector.
Container Deposit Legislation is something that the Shire of Yarra Ranges council initially supported through a resolution on the 12th February, 2008 (for a full run down visit blog) and given the current emphasis and interest in Container Deposit Legislation, I thought it important to raise the matter to gain support through the MAV.
There are so many benefits to be gained from container deposit legislation. Less litter in our environment, more money in the pockets of community groups, less need for raw materials as more materials are available for recycling and much greater rates of recycling.
It has been difficult to get support of CDL at past MAV State Council meetings, it will be interesting to see if the landscape has changed post the 2008 local government elections.
If you'd like to find out more about how CDL works come to Warburton to find out, see blog for more details.
Labels: container deposit legislation, warburton