Today saw Greens MLC, Colleen Hartland, present over 4000 postcards to "the Minister for the Environment" supporting the Greens Container Deposit Legislation.
Gavin Jennings, Minister for the Environment, wasn't available so young Ewen stood in for him. Even before the legislation was introduced to parliament Minister Jennings indicated the government would not be supporting it.
In a rally on the steps of parliament, people came to hear Colleen speak about the benefits of a Container Deposit Scheme (CDS). A CDS puts money into the hands of community groups (the scouts in SA make $1 million a year!), uses less raw materials to make new containers, creates less greenhouse gas emissions, means much less recyclables in landfill and far less litter in our environment.
Last Thursday, Liz Ingham (Colleen's Electoral Officer), presented the benefits of a Container Deposit Scheme to a group of interested people in Warburton, the night was organised by the Upper Yarra Greens.
Julian Guess - Convenor of the Upper Yarra Greens, me and Liz Ingham - Colleen Hartland's Electoral Officer in Warburton. People were very supportive of the scheme, the benefits of restaurants having a financial incentive to recycle received a great response.
Today's rally on the steps of parliament to support the introduction of a Container Deposit Scheme. The Shire of Yarra Ranges supports the introduction of drink container deposits and recently voted to gain the broader support of all Victorian municipalities at the upcoming MAV State Conference.
94% of Victorians support a Container Deposit Scheme and if the legislation is successful it will see 83% of containers recycled, as it captures all those drinks consumed away from home. The Greens have conservatively estimated that the introduction of a CDS will mean $390,433 more dollars in Yarra Range's budget per annum.
Earlier this week Greens Senator, Scott Ludlum, introduced a federal bill for Container Deposit Legislation.
If you want to see 10cent refunds on drink containers contact your local MP and ask them to support the legislation.
Labels: 10cents can change the world, colleen hartland, container deposit legislation